ICBA 2011 Bank Summit

Vining Sparks and ICBA Securities announce the 2011 Bank Summit. Vining Sparks, a leading provider of bank investment products and services, and ICBA Securities, the investment subsidiary of the Independent Community Bankers of America, are teaming up to host this event May 16 and 17 at the fabulous Peabody Hotel in Memphis.

This two-day summit is designed for bank executives and focuses on investment portfolio and balance sheet management. Attendees will have a wide range of educational options with sessions and materials up-to-date and applicable to the current environment. Whether you are a first-time attendee or an alumni, the Bank Summit is sure to bring new perspectives, enhance your understanding, and better position your bank for the future.

In addition, attendees will have time to network with peers as well as traders, strategists, analysts, and management.

Attendees will also hear from our special guest speaker, Alan Simpson. Plus, the spouses’ program and additional conference activities will add some fun to the otherwise educational event.

On Monday night of the Bank Summit, join us for a private party at the world famous Rendezvous, home of delectable barbecue ribs and other favorites. Spouse/guest activities will be available both Monday and Tuesday that will include a trip to Elvis’ Graceland and touring Dixon Gallery & Gardens.
